My Topic and Why I Choose It:
My topic is about how abortion should be illegal in the second
trimester because the baby is a human at this point, not just a collection of
cells, there is enough time for the mother to have an abortion before the second
trimester and, it could be harmful to the mother. 1.21 million people receive abortions every year and this number is rising. People have many different reasons why they receive abortions but some are not justifiable. I choose this topic because it is dear to my heart. I feel bad for the innocent children that cant speak for themselves. In a way I feel like I can be their voice and fight for them.
My Research Process:
At first I start looking on google to find articles about people receiving abortions in their second trimester and why they might do it. Then that gave me articles about their personal experiences and information about it. Also I looked at a lot of facts about abortion such as, how many abortions are preformed each year or, general information about the topic. It was not hard at all to find information about abortion, there was many different websites that offered great information. At first I thought it might be difficult to find recent information but, that was not the case at all.
Get Involved:
You can get involved by just speaking up and talking to people about how late term abortion is cruel and should be illegal. You might think that people will not listen to you but, you will surprised if you have a good enough argument they might take the time to listen. Especially if your friend or someone close to is considering having an abortion try and talk to them about their options and what they can do. They will most likely listen to what you have to say because they are your friend.
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